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Cinema POS

By CINEsync Admin
January 6, 2025

A Brief History  

For a cinema, at the core of daily operations is the Cinema POS system. The POS used to be a cash register, it was simple but the process of manually selling tickets and concessions contributed to long queues and longer wait times. Then, the digital revolution came in and cinemas leaned towards digitalized  POS solutions, introducing online ticketing and concession purchases. These systems not only streamlined sales with features like contactless payments, inventory tracking and sales reports but also made it easier for theatres to separate their income from distributors, ensuring clearer financial reporting and revenue management.

However, for cinemas, the POS systems came with limitations. For instance, if the cinema wanted to change the system for a better alternative option, one that would provide more scalability and customization features. Then, it would mean replacing all existing systems with new hardware for the new provider, which can be costly not only for smaller cinemas with fewer resources but also for larger players who implemented the existing systems across many locations. Additionally, the transition involves migrating their current customers, sales data, movie schedules and other critical operational data, making the switch even more complex and resource intensive.

The Current Dilemma

Nowadays Cinema POS systems have become versatile. They have access to the internet and most organizations have flexibility for the POS to be integrated with other systems to access tools such as a CRM, loyalty program or advanced marketing functions and so on. Making room for adaptability and convenience in the modern cinema.

Still, a problem exists: the constant need for multiple integrations. Whenever your cinema undertakes a new activity and your approach is to add a new system or solution, the process may seem simple but actually adds a degree of complexity. You will have a range of solutions that work together but are not synchronized. Additionally, each system uses its own set of resources, thereby incurring additional costs for each integration and a steep learning curve for staff and cinema managers.  

Introducing Cloud Cinema POS

With cloud cinema software, cinemas receive the most optimized Cinema POS built for maximizing efficiency onsite and more importantly an all encompassing solution that enables real time synchronization within the ecosystem. Thus, helping cinemas minimize dealing with other third party teams by providing numerous offerings ranging from Loyalty, Subscription and Membership options, Kitchen operation management, self-checkout Kiosks, Digital Signage and Mobile app solutions to name a few.

A few More Advantages

  • Streamlined Implementation:  

A cloud-based solution like CINEsync allows you to access and manage your cinema operations from any device that has access to the internet. You can configure each device from the comfort of your couch through the centralized back office system, eliminating the need to be physically present at your cinema.

In addition, when it comes to managing staff and delegating responsibilities, CINEsync offers an advanced user control and license code management system. From here, you can securely set up multiple user accounts and configure individual access levels and permissions for any interface, including either POS, Kitchen Display System or even KIOSK at any given location and go live in minutes. Thus, providing the ability to update or change information in seconds, whilst being implemented across all devices in real time.

  • Effortless Payment Flexibility:

CINEsync offers real-time tracking of payment transactions and provides automated reporting features. Whether it's for different POS terminals or multiple sales channels, such as iOS, Android, or web applications, CINEsync provides comprehensive reports that give an overview of all payment related activities.

For handling more complex transactions, CINEsync provides your patrons with an effortless process to purchase multiple tickets or concession items, where they can use multiple payment methods for any transaction like gift cards, promotions, credit memos, cash, etc. Additionally, CINEsyncs powerful applications such as UTILYsync, would enable you to seamlessly connect with all your plugged in hardware units, whether at the till, ticket printer or at Kiosks, CINEsync will streamline connectivity with all hardware components, ensuring faster and more satisfactory service for your patrons.

  • Omnichannel Experience:

The modern patron today expects simplicity, convenience, speed and an intuitive user experience. If you are not taking advantage of implementing digital ticketing across all sales channels, then you are already a step behind. For most cinemas this may seem like a cumbersome process, dealing with third party teams and making sure data is updated in real time to avoid issues such as unnecessary delays or errors in order processing.

Nevertheless, through cloud cinema software, whether your patrons are purchasing tickets at the counter or online through web or mobile applications or even at the kiosk, you can ensure your customer journey experience is seamless across all channels. You can provide multiple payment methods and even implement a feature where your patrons can use their phones to order concessions from the seat.

  • Advanced Kitchen Management Functionalities

Through the kitchen management feature, your patrons can easily set up concession preparation times at any channel they place their order from.CINEsync will instantly send the preparation times along with any special notes to the kitchen displays and printers, ensuring the order is made at the exact time your patron wants it.

As a result, by streamlining kitchen preparation and optimizing operations, your cinema can reduce wait times and long queues more effectively, especially during peak hours for blockbuster premieres or the weekends. In addition, CINEsync offers a kitchen display solution known as KITCHENsync, with a push of a button, patrons can receive an SMS notification on their order status and when the order will be ready for pickup, which further contributes to a fulfilling experience for your patrons.      

  • Improved customer engagement

Customer loyalty has become an absolute necessity for the modern cinema in the competitive market. Advanced Cinema POS systems can easily connect with loyalty programs or offer different membership or subscription packages to reward repeat patrons and increase revenue.

Moreover, sales transaction data can be analyzed, which can be used to facilitate personalized upselling and for the before and after in theater experience, CINEsync can provide a sophisticated customer alert tool, to facilitate more engagement with your patrons. which is achieved by sending personalized promotions, targeted discounts and even movie recommendations, through emails or push notifications, directly to your patrons emails or mobile devices.

Final thoughts

The future of the cinema industry is changing and so should your POS systems. By utilizing a cinema software solution like CINEsync, you can create a highly productive workflow, streamline transactions, enhance customer engagement and greatly improve the customer journey experience. As a result, you can maximize the return of your Cinema POS systems effectively and stay competitive.

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CINEsync is a real-time all-in-one robust and flexible solution for cinemas to maximize operating.
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Michael Sherwood
Chief Innovation Officer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecteur adipsicing. Ipsum dolor sit amet lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecteur adipsicing. Ipsum dolor sit amet lorem ipsum.

Michael Sherwood
Chief Innovation Officer
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